About us

Arrow & Thunder is a Top Jordanian distributor of information

technology, audiovisual solutions, safety and security systems

since 2003.

We are committed to delivering the most creative, cost e仟ective and needed s이니tions to our customers.

Our extensive and Rich experience with the competitive market of Jordan enables 니s to provide the best solutions at the best price.

Our wide range of prod니cts and services have been tailored to solve the market challenges efficiently and with minimal expo¬sure to error or risk


We deliver first-class after-sales services and customer s니p- port 니tiiizing c니ttng-edge technologies by our dedicated team helpsyo니 with all inquiries as fast and efficient


By knowing and anticipating future market needs and trends and combining 〇니r know-how with advanced tech¬nologies, we ens니re the best business growth for 〇니r clients, professionalism and dedication to innovation mean that we are always thriving to bring the latest core technologies to the market.


The main objective for us is to satisfy our customers and meet all their needs by providing high-quality technical solutions at competitive prices & b니ild a loyal customer base in Jordan.

Our Services:

  1. Ups Solutions.
  2. Sound and Public-Address Solutions.
  3. Networking Solutions.
  4. Hardware and Software Solutions.
  5. IP Telephony Solutions.
  6. Computer Supplies and Accessories.
  7. Surveillance Solutions.
  8. Time Attendance Solutions.
  9. Smart Lock Solutions.
  10. Intrusion Solutions.
  11. Fire Alarm Solutions.
  12. Garage Doors S이utions.
  13. Video Intercom Solutions.